Papers Referred to in Engines Episodes
- Surfing the Sea of Stories (0.7 Mb)
- Iversen Turbomachinery Notes (17 Mb)
- Similarity of Vapor and Gas Bubble Growth, Iranian J. Sci. and Tech. Vol. 1, No. 2, Sept. 1971 (0.3 Mb)
- Hydrodynamic Transition in Electrolysis, J. Basic Engr. 94:4, 1972 (1.8 Mb)
- Vortex Shedding Bulletin (2.3 Mb)
- Some Ideas About Growth and Quality in Technology (3.3 Mb)
- A Physical Basis for the Generalized Gamma Distribution (1.1 Mb)
- An Extension of Statistical Mechanics to the Description of a Broad Class of Macroscopic Systems (4.5 Mb)
- Interacting Effects of Gravity and Size upon the Peak and Minimum Pool Boiling Heat Fluxes (4.2 Mb)
- Contraction Coefficients for Free Jets from Sharp-Edged Orifices
- Contraction Coefficients for Borda Mouthpieces
- Standing waves on a falling jet
- A Statistical Mechanical Prediction of the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph (6.6 Mb)
- Prediction of the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph
- Power and Feedback Control (5.6 Mb pdf file)
- The Breakup of Superheated Liquid Jets
- Flashing of Free Superheated Liquid Jets
- A Method for Measuring Transparent Droplet Diameters
- Click here for Papers Related to the Metastable and Unstable Properties of Fluids and the Spinodal Line
Some Other Technical Papers
- On the Prediction of the Minimum Pool Boiling Heat Flux
- An Experimental Study of the Rapid Depressurization of Water
- Peak Pool Boiling Heat Flux Measurements on Finite Horizontal Flat Plates
- On Real Fluid Flow over Yawed Circular Cylinders
- Snares of Pool Boiling Research: Putting Our History to Use
- Effects of Gravity and Surface Tension Upon Liquid Jets Leaving Poiseuille Tubes
- Heat Conduction through "Yin-Yang" Bodies
- Randomly Oscillating Turbulent Channel Flows
- Notes on the Origins and Evolution of the Subject of Heat Transfer
- Biography of Ernst Kraft Wilhelm Nusselt
- An Upper Bound for the Critical Boiling Heat Flux (1/2 Mb)
- Transition Boiling Heat Transfer and the Film Transition Regime (1 Mb)
- On the Existence of Two Transition Boiling Curves (2 Mb)
- Boiling From Small Cylinders (7 Mb)
- Dominant Unstable Wavelength and Minimum Heat Flux During Film Boiling on a Horizontal Cylinder (4 Mb)
- Movie of film boiling for the paper above
- Locked-in Vortex Shedding Behind Oscillating Circular Cylinders ...(2 Mb)
- On Real Fluid Flow Over Yawed Circular Cylinders (4 Mb)
- Effect of Viscosity upon Liquid Velocity in Axi-Symmetric Sheets (2 Mb)
- Historical Review of the Hydrodynamic Theory of Boiling
- The Peak Boiling Heat Flux in Saturated Ethanol-Water Mixtures
- Laminar Film Condensation of Plane and Axisymmetric Bodies in Nonuniform Gravity
- Hydrodynamic Prediction of Peak Pool-boiling Heat Fluxes from Finite Bodies