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Cullen College of Engineering
The Engines of Our Ingenuity
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Engines Transcripts
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Airing schedule for HPM
No. 1901: The Timber Square Set
No. 1902: Heat in the Shadow of Rouen
No. 1903: Flubber
No. 1904: The Wilkes Expedition
No. 1905: La Tapisserie de Bayeux
No. 1906: Cats in Ancient Cyprus
No. 1907: Earlier Than We Think
No. 1908: Blombos Cave
No. 1909: What's the Problem
No. 1910: 'Abbas Ibn Firnas
No. 1911: Submarines in 1915
No. 1912: Consciousness
No. 1913: Inventing the Street
No. 1914: Cal Rogers and Vin Fiz
No. 1915: A Walk Up-Town
No. 1916: Anesthesia in 1848
No. 1917: Etienne Jules Marey
No. 1918: Fairness
No. 1919: Mobius
No. 1920: The Life and Death of the Akron
No. 1921: Arrow's Paradox
No. 1922: Mind, Body, and Medicine
No. 1923: The London Eye
No. 1924: George Green
No. 1925: In the Museums
No. 1926: Rhetoric
No. 1927: Balthazar-Georges Sage
No. 1928: Malt Balls or M&Ms
No. 1929: Switched on Bach
No. 1930: Durability of Writing
No. 1931: Wu Ting-fang in America
No. 1932: The Lost Patents
No. 1933: An Odd Couple
No. 1934: Somerville, Curiosity, and Learning
No. 1935: Wilson, Before Audubon
No. 1936: Electric Toy Making
No. 1937: Flying to Hawaii
No. 1938: Discovering Air
No. 1939: Complex Simplicity
No. 1940: The American Woman's Home
No. 1941: Greek War and Politics
No. 1942: The Power of Air and Steam
No. 1943: "Modern" Blacksmithing in 1902
No. 1944: Ruth Elder
No. 1945: Jeffries Wyman
No. 1946: Crocodile/Alligator
No. 1947: Psychological Synchronicity
No. 1948: Lobster Shells
No. 1949: James Dwight Dana
No. 1950: Girolamo Cardano
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Engines Transcripts
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Airing schedule for HPM