Stephen T. Cook (Ed.D., M.A. TESOL, Dipl.-Mus.-Päd., LDT, CALT) is a Licensed Dyslexia Therapist and Certified Academic Language Therapist in private practice in the Houston area. He began teaching English in 2005 while studying cello performance and music education in Hamburg, Germany. Having dyslexia himself, his interest in helping others overcome their challenges in reading led him to complete a masters and doctorate in language education. He has taught at the Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, University of Houston-Downtown, Houston ISD, and Neuhaus Education Center. Cook is also a member of the Texas Medical Center Orchestra and enjoys incorporating music into his multisensory approach to teaching students with dyslexia.
To contact Dr. Cook, send email to: drstephentcook [at] gmail.com (drstephentcook[at]gmail[dot]com).