As represented in: The Engines of Our Ingenuity
Originally created to complement Distance Education course: Engl 4330
Recommended Reading
by John Lienhard jhl [at] (jhl[at]uh[dot]edu)
My dating of the Renaissance is fairly traditional. For endpoints, I like to take Gutenberg's mature printing press in 1455 and Francis Bacon's articulation of the new experimental science in 1620. The following Engines scripts are centered on that period. However, since no such dating is ever wholly accurate, a few of the following scripts describe circumstances on the eve of, and in the near wake of, that dating.

1. The Invention of Printing and the New Literacy

2. Natural Philosophy (Science) and Mathematics

3. Medicine and Anatomy

4. Architecture

5. Other Technology

6. Art, Music, and Theater

7. Renaissance Culture and Attitudes

8. Discovering, and Telling About, The New World
Each of these short readings includes source material.